

Customer Testimonials

"Awesome Job!! Everyone was and has been a pleasure to work with, and highly recommend to anyone!"

 - Chad Merriam / Brainerd, MN

" We are very satisfied with the work that was done. They were professional and timely. We have received many compliments on our new roof. We would recommend APR."

 - Mark Mathwig / Hutchinson, MN

"Honest company - No high pressure sales. The roofing crew is very efficient. They are friendly to customers. The response time to calls and emails is very good by management. The courtesy of management is tops."

- Otto Harmon / Aitkin, MN

"We will always recommend APR for any housing project."

- Thomas Bruss / Aitkin, MN

"APR replaced our roof, and deck from a hail storm. They helped us with every aspect from picking out shingles to working with the insurance company. They are honest and do great work."

- Chris F. / Hutchinson, MN

"The men that worked here did a great job. Even did a couple fixes for things not related to siding. Great group of people."

 - Anoynymous

"APR, Inc. installed new windows and siding on our home.  They were incredibly responsive in a time of very high demand.  They worked with us to lock in pricing before increases took affect.  Even though they were short-handed people were here everyday, and were so pleasant and easy to work with.  We would highly recommend APR, Inc. and their entire team!"

- Stacy G.

"We worked with AJ who did a great job of explaining the GAF products they would use. His staff took care of all the paper work. The roofing crew did a perfect job and did a wonderful job cleaning up. I would highly recommend APR to anyone."

- Marv S.

"I highly recommend APR! From AJ to Blake, to Tim on site and Andrea in the office, to the crew doing the work on my house, was extremely professional and was phenomenal to work with! Thanks for the amazing work!"

 - Chad M.

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